From Basic How-To Tutorials to Organizational Leadership - we got you.
I've learned one thing:
This Shit Ain't Hard
OK, so I would need to write a book to fully explain myself. Let's just say there's often a simple step that even the best of leaders miss sometimes. Let me see if you identify with this example from the nonprofit space:
One day you're leading a song with your campers, running outreach programs, or helping community members sign up for activities at your local nonprofit. It feels good! And maybe you're good at it.
Fast forward and reflect. Maybe you were too good. Seemingly overnight you're an executive and expert on everything: marketing, operations, staff development, finance, volunteer development, IT, fundraising, data, and navigating the finer points of organizational politics, leadership, and change management. Shall I continue? Or are you already head nodding and smirking?
TSAH Moment: Why do we make our talented people do all these things?
This was always strange and difficult to sustain. Then on top of this - the environment changed.
Social polarization. Pandemic. Isolation. Digital transformation. We had to adapt. Rather than be generalists we had to quickly specialize and learn what our superpowers were in the process.
So what's your superpower?
First, let me define who you are in order to get the most of out of this experience: you are a deeply thoughtful, curious, nonjudgmental, truly open-minded leader. You have worked tirelessly as tides change so you can help those that needed it most. You've appreciated successes yet make a conscious effort to be humble. And I suspect the business consultation you've received in the past is expensive and inefficient, makes you do all the work, leaves you with limited tools to be successful in the long run...or maybe our favorite: tells you what you want to hear, and not what you need to hear. You must be open to adapting - including unlearning the past before learning the future. You won't rest on the laurels on your prior success. Otherwise, let's be honest: we might not be for you.
We hope we are just like you. And in this spirit, we're here to disrupt the consulting market - especially in service to nonprofits and causes for good. We help do good...better. And we won't settle for the status quo. The survival mentality. You and yours deserve better than that!
We will build tools and how tos in the spirit of #techequity - including how to save time and money using accessible business analytics tools like Excel and R Studio. And in order to provide you with more value on less coin than traditional consulting, we're regularly premium topics and research projects behind our paywall for an amount you won't need to go to your board to get approved.
Upcoming blogposts starting in January 2023:
Top 10 Excel Hacks To Save You Time
The Trust Equation: Mastering Maister
Enough is Enough: Lead Meetings That Don't Suck
Taking A Stand: No Dead Fish
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Proceeds from our blog will be reinvested in building more sustainable resources for our contributors. Can't wait to see you in 2023!